Welcome to the New Hope Great Banquet Community

The New Hope Great Banquet (NHGB) is affiliated with the National Great Banquet movement with an added dimension aimed towards racial reconciliation. Rev. Andrew Hunt III, after his Great Banquet experience, teamed up with Kent Snyder to establish the vision of the New Hope Great Banquet.

New Hope focuses on God's call for the church to be in daily life what it already is in Christ-both reconciled and unified. "Our goal is to be all things to all people for the cause of Christ. We choose not to be affiliated with one church, but to be affiliated with the One Christ. This helps us to break down barriers of denominationalism, division of doctrine, and the dynamics of church pride", explains Rev. Hunt.

New Hope Great Banquet community is a cross-cultural ministry that seeks to bring all races together under the banner and Lordship of Christ. God is the God of reconciliation; reconciling us unto himself through the blood of Jesus.

Prayerfully, you are interested. Please use the links on the right side of the page to find out the Who, What, Where, When & Why of the New Hope Great Banquet! 


New Hope Great Banquet 2019
#77 - November, 7-10, 2019
#78 - November, 14-19, 2019


New Life Community Church
1500 W. 86th Street, Indy 46260

NHGB Prayer Charts
Sign the weekend Prayer Charts and support the upcoming weekends in your prayers.

NHGB #77 

NHGB #78